Saturday, February 19, 2011

8-Tips and Habits That Will Keep Your Kids Germ-Free

Our kids are so precious, and I am sure you will find the highest wish on the list for most parents is for their kids to have health and happiness.  To ensure your little treasures maintain the health part of the wish, we need to give them the ammunition to keep themselves germ-free. Here is a list of eight things that will protect your kids from sniffles. We know your focus is your child, however some of the tips will also help protect the other kids at school or in childcare .

Feel free to chime in down in our comments section with any additional tips or remedies. Enjoy!

Wash, Wash, Wash your hands! 
This is a no brainer for most kids, but they often don't wash their hands correctly. Even though you won't be able to supervise their every handwash, it is best that they follow these steps:
  1. Use warm water.
  2. Use soap with a decent amount of lather. This is important. 
  3. Wash hands for at least 20 secs.  While singing Row, Row, Row, Your Boat may be scoffed at by older kids, thats a good song to keep the little ones interested.
  4. Rinse throughly and dry.  
  5. Important: Use the towel to shut the water off.  Not everyone will follow steps 1-4, so its important to protect their precious hands.
Be sanitized! 
Santizer is great for the little ones; it definitely should only be used after a hand wash, but its great for getting the last invisible bit of crud off.

Sharing is not caring when it comes to food and drinks.
You will be surprised how many germs can be passed sharing a little apple juice. If the sharer or sharee is know how the story goes.  

Ahchew! Bless you.
When kids have the sneezies or a cough the best way for them to not spread germs is to do so in a tissue.  This is not always an option, so the next best thing is for them to sneeze or cough into the little nook between their elbow.

Are they sick? Stay home.
Obviously this is not always an option, but if you keep them home at the right time during their sickness, the isolation from other germs and the pampered treatment you will give them at home, just might do the trick to help them overcome. Also, this allows the cold be terminated once for all and not passed on to other precious ones. 

Remember the Flintstones?
Funny cartoon, even cooler that they had a multi-vitamin.  The brand is not as important as you choosing a good multi-vitamin to boost up on every morning.  These vitamins help them fight off stinky germs in their bodies and keeps them strong enough to play on playground another day.

Eat Your Veggies! 
Germs sometimes camp out in your body and get passed through saliva, ears, eyes, and nose.  A healthy diet can fight off these little suckers so they don't live another day.  We know veggies are always a tough sell for kids, but creative takes on eating veggies could help.  Here are things that can help: 

  • Nibble trays are a fun way for kids to consume fruits and veggies.  A cool dish to a healthy kid. 
  • Dip it – Lots of fruits and veggies pair up with dips. The most notable is peanut butter.  So instead of offering a whole peanut butter sandwich maybe you can offer them a yummy celery stick or apple slice with their peanut butter as an option. A light amount of cheese or butter could also do the trick.
Sleep does a body good. 
Another way to fight off germs is to have kids get enough sleep. Sleep helps the immune system build itself to be strong. It can be tough, but eight hours or more while their growing should definitely do the trick.

Bonus Tip:  We said eight, but we thought we would add one hidden secret.  Allowing kids to get fresh air and exercise outside lets kids get away from the stagnant air indoors and away from the germs.  So they may love video games after school but a nice game of basketball outside would do a body more good. 

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